eModern education

ounder, claims credit for initiating this trend, and for "liberat[ing] the very feudal education system" whilst making a lot of money.[2] He also claims credit for democratising access to maximising student performance at public examinations by employing the best teachers from Band One schools.[2]
In late 2015, media reported that Modern Education was overtly trying to poach a "star tutor" employed by a competitor. The tutor, said to have been responsible for over 40 percent of the fees generated by rival Beacon College, was reported to have been offered a lucrative package worth an estimated HK$85 million (US$10.97 million) a year. The package included $30 million signing bonus plus 65% of all the revenue he generates throughout his 4-year contract period. Modern Education took out full-page advertising in two local journals to vaunt its offer publicly.[3][4] The brazen attempt of Modern Education to poach the Chinese tutor signalled to investors
the extent that these schools may be dependent on a single teacher.[1]
eModern education eModern education Reviewed by عبدالله احمد on الجمعة, نوفمبر 04, 2016 Rating: 5

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